Food Insecurity Maps

We are thrilled to share valuable resources that can assist in identifying areas where food insecurity is most crucial. Thanks to the diligent efforts of Dr. Fan and her students at Stockton University, we have access to the remarkable Food Insecurity Maps. These maps serve as a powerful tool in understanding the prevalence of food insecurity across different regions. By utilizing these maps, we can all prioritize and direct our efforts towards areas with the highest need.

Burlington County

The Food Insecurity Index of Burlington County, developed by Patrick Lombardi of Stockton University, utilizes 2020 US Census data to identify areas at risk of becoming food deserts.

Gloucester County

Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.

Camden County

Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.

Salem County

The Food Insecurity Index map for Salem County, NJ, created by Justin Duley and Brandon McAlister of Stockton University, displays food insecurity levels at the census tract level, highlighting high-risk areas and locating food pantries.

Burlington County

Camden County

Gloucester County

Salem County